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Chinese translation for "malay archipelago"

[Peninsula] 马来群岛[半岛]。

Related Translations:
archipelago:  n.(pl. archipelagoes, archipelagos)1.多岛海。2.群岛。3.〔the A-〕爱琴海及其岛屿。adj.-lagic
malay:  n.马来人[语];【动物;动物学】马来鸡 (=Malay fowl)。adj.马来(半岛)的;马来人[语]的。
malay fowl:  马来鸡。
Example Sentences:
1.We cannot be an extension of china , india , the west , or the malay archipelago
2.3rd largest island in the world ; in the western pacific north of java ; largely covered by dense jungle and rain forest ; part of the malay archipelago
3.Moreover , our island has managed to survive amid the malay archipelagos , partly thanks to the use of english as a lingua franca among its multiracial population
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